the yinward turn
we discover a new mutual interest that sparked the same insight
I rave about a pottery show (and the crying featured on it)
the orange hand towel aka the wisdom of the napkin
feeding (or subconsciously dosing) ourselves the colors we crave
Chiron in the realm of communication
being the clay
a dose of serenity (my unusual takeaway from the film “Titanic”)
the resonance of basins, guitars, and truth
sunrises and sunsets as energy packs
“straight up whale time”
integration of the material
forest communication (the importance of diverse feedback)
two kinds of silence
“all strings resonance”
Emma shares her pottery song!! (53:15)
allowing the wheel to turn
the lie of fear being wisdom or a safety feature
detoxing from worry
walking ourselves back from the extremities of our own psyches
my Jenga tower analogy which “eventually breaks down” (pun not intended)
finding the essence in different places
the root of all suffering (two translations with the same core)
Amongst other things, we reference the teachings of Abraham Hicks, Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg, and The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben
Also I misspoke regarding Chiron, which stays in a sign for 1-9 years—not as long as Pluto does.
Emma on Instagram: @solpothecary
Emma’s weekly publication: TRUE NATURE
Me (Esther) on Instagram: @followthepaint
My short story: THE JADE ROOM
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