I heard it said, I don't know by whom, that the revived popularity of astrology, particularly among women, is tied to directly to the fact that patriarchal voices mock it.

It has no inherent meaning, but it's a decidedly non-patriacrchal way of making meaning. As a fellow Sagittarius, the party analogy hit big time. "Yes, I'm the life of party, but I feel so damned weird."

Some day I'll love something as much as Rodney Mullen loves skateboarding. Until then I'll listen to interviews while pretending to be him in video games.

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Also, the relentless self scrutiny about even the things that you love makes a ton of sense. I have days that I try to meditate, knowing how much it's helped me, that I'm like, "This is so stupid. Why am I doing this? I look ridiculous." Once that resides, I remember. I've been saying for a while now that I've chosen to hold the entirety of faith and doubt at the same time. Agnosticism isn't indifference for me, it's a statement of faith. I don't even like to use that word becuase it's so wrapped in the question of God's existence. It's more a celebration of the limits of my knowledge. The Zen mind is a beginners mind. The childlike enter the Kingdom.

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Subsides...not resides. But that also seems strangely appropriate.

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